Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fear and Liking 27 February 2008

Mark 6:13-29
Wednesday, 27 February 2008

One of the most interesting, confusing, and frustrating characteristics of human beings is our ability to hold two conflicting opinions at the same time. We can be endlessly fascinated by the same people we find unbearably annoying. We can love and not like someone. We can be afraid of people we like.

Herod is obviously a man controlled by his passions. Although it was unlawful to do so, his passions drove him to marry his brother's wife. Furious with John the Baptist for calling attention to his misdeeds, he has John arrested and imprisoned. At the same time, he handles John with care, not only because of the people's regard for John, but also because he himself recognizes that John is a man of God. He despises the truth that John tells; he fears John's spiritual and political power; but he also finds John's words compelling. He likes to listen to the same one he fears. So haunting is his memory of John the Baptist that even after he has him beheaded, his conscience troubles him and he sees John the Baptist resurrected in the ministry of Jesus and he hears John's voice in Jesus' words.

It's funny how life often causes us to revisit the very areas and relationships that we most would like to bury, forcing us to examine and reexamine our feelings and thoughts. Even kings get haunted by their misdeeds; even rulers have to give an account before God and in their own consciences. And for us, a big part of this Lenten journey is the opportunity to have our hearts, minds, emotions, and passions exposed before God so that God can make sense of them. Realizing this, as we listen to God's voice, we like Herod have conflicting responses. We are afraid and we are drawn closer. Unlike Herod, however, we are wise enough not to try to silence the voice.

Sing,"I am Thine O Lord"

Let us pray:
All-Knowing God, we both long for and tremble at your awesome presence. In your light, we see ourselves as we were and are - broken, unworthy, and sinful. By your light, we also see ourselves as we are becoming - healed, cleansed, and transformed. Grant us the privilege of remaining near enough to experience your perfect love casting out our fear. Lead us on the journey of exposure and restoration, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen

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