Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Heavy Lifting

1 John 5:1-12
Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Occasionally, I go through fits of exercise mania, usually for the purpose of losing weight. For as little as a few days or as long as a few weeks, I faithfully build stamina and strength by applying myself to a regimen of physical activity. And even though I struggle to maintain that regimen over time, I still learn or re-learn something crucial about working one's body, namely, that pushing oneself builds strength. Raising the standard incrementally leads to the wondrous blessing of greater stamina, flexibility, and strength. I can always go farther, stand straighter, and lift heavier things when I build up.

Perhaps the most radical assertion of 1 John is found in today's lesson when the writer informs us not only that our love for God is demonstrated in our obedience to God's commandments, but also that those commands do not constitute a burden for us. Much of the time when we think of God's commandments, we recognize our duty to obey them but we miss much of the joy that comes through that obedience. We assume that God's laws are the curfew meant to disrupt and cut short the party of our lives. In reality, we only think that because we have not been in the practice and habit of obeying God. If we were, then we would realize that God's instruction builds us up, increases our stamina, and enhances our flexibility. In obedience, we become overcomers and victors.

Human life is filled with trials and burdens. Obedience to God's commandments functions as the exercise regimen that tones and hones us so that we can do the heavy lifting of life. Loving God with our obedience builds us up and makes us victorious. Indeed, it is through faith-filled obedience to Christ that we discover what life is really about. For whoever has the Son has life.

Sing, "Trust and Obey"

Let us pray:
We confess, Lord, that we do not always remember that your commandments are for our good. Like unwise children or lazy adults, we drag ourselves along lamenting that your "rules" inhibit our "fun." Forgive us for our folly. Lead us into obedience to your word and way, and thus to the victory that overcomes the world and to abundant and eternal life, in Jesus' name. Amen


Katherine Ellington said...

Earlier today, before reading your inspirational message and after shedding a few tears of frustration, I nailed down my workout schedule for this weekend. This begins my journey of getting out there again, walking and now running. Last year, my baseline was almost 2 miles, working at some 3 and a few mile walks/runs and I managed to do about 100 miles over a few months time. This year I am working toward a 3 mile base line and kickboxing. The personal challenge has helped me find untapped energy and strength. Thanks for the confirmation.

elciem said...

Pastor Leslie, know that you are in my prayers at this time. I look forward to reading your devotions again in addition to the other ones I read on a daily basis. Usually, the devotions are confirmations of what thus saith the Lord to me for that day. I look forward to the return of your devotional blog.